Dec 28, 2008

gegls in Ubuntu

Got to know about this easter-egg-thing in ubuntu.
A virtual Easter egg is an intentional hidden message or feature in an object such as a movie, book, CD, DVD, computer program, web page or video game.

This is just a funny hidden game.
Open the Run application Dialog using ALT + F2 and then type "gegls from outer space" without the quotes and then just hit Enter.

The game pops up.

Enjoy the game!

Got it from ester egg archive.

Dec 17, 2008

Schedule a job in cron

For the task that you have to run regularly in some period, scheduling it in the cron is the one and only way for it.
For this run this in terminal:
crontab -e

This will start the vi editor and load the current cron table file for this user, or a blank file if none exists. In a new line type the following

A B C D E < path to the script > [Arguments if any]


  • A = minute of the hour

  • B = hour of the day

  • C = day of the month

  • D = month of the year

  • E = day of the week

To schedule a Task daily at 9 in the moring that lies in /home/sata/script. I use the following.
0 9 * * * /home/sata/script